
About Us.

About Faculty of Pharmacy - Alazhar University of Gaza

Alazhar University had the Privilege of Establishing the First Faculty of Pharmacy in Palestine in 1992.
The Faculty of Pharmacy at Alazhar University of Gaza (AUG) is Considered One of the Leading Pharmaceutical Education Centers Dedicated to Prepare Pharmacy Professionals & Scholars in Palestine.
The Faculty has the Most Qualified Staff in Pharmaceutical Education, who Graduated from Prestigious Universities and have their Scientific Activities Published in Reputable Scientific Journals.

The Faculty Awards a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy,
In Addition to a Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.



Academic Departments at Faculty of Pharmacy - Alazhar University of Gaza

Faculty of Pharmacy - Alazhar University of Gaza Consists of 4 Different Academic Departments as Follows:
  • Pharmacology & Medical Sciences (PHPT)
  • Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy (PHTC)
  • Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PHCH)
  • Pharmacognosy & Pharmaceutical Botany (PHCG)
In recent years, the Department of Pharmacognosy & Pharmaceutical Botany was Merged with the Department of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Chemistry to Form the Department of (Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacognosy).

This Website.


This website was made to help Pharmacy students at Alazhar University of Gaza, it includes all the E-Learning lectures, summaries, previous exams & more!
Languages, Skills & Services used:
    • HTML 5
    • CSS 3
    • SASS
    • Bootstrap 5
    • Javascript
    • Vuejs
    • Git
    • Github
    • Fontawe Fontawesome
If you want to know more about the website, you can checkout this Youtube Video.

The website was made by (2019 - 2024) Pharmacy Batch Students:
- Ahmed J. Skaik (Idea & Coding)
- Ahmed Y. Shaheen (Data Provider)

Ahmed J. Skaik

- Idea & Coding -
During the summer holiday of the year 2022, Ahmed Younis and I worked on this project as a team, I was the Developer of the project, and Ahmed was the one who provided me with all the data needed.
Our goal from this project is to make it easier for our mates at the faculty to reach the available courses-related data, to know more about the faculty and hopefully participate in making the five years Pharmacy journey somehow more fun for you.
We hope you mates, find the website helpful & we hope we have achieved what we were trying to achieve from this project.

* I want to mention that this is a non-profit website; we don't earn a single dollar from it.

Ahmed Y. Shaheen

- Data Provider -
الحمد لله على إحسانه، والشكر له على توفيقه وامتنانه، يا رب لك الحمد حمدًا طيبًا كثيًرا مباركًا.
في هذا اليوم وبفضل الله نعلن لكم تدشين الموقع الصيدلاني الأول من نوعه بما يخدم طلبة الكلية - جميع المستويات - بكل ما يحتاجه طالب الكلية خلال فترة الدراسة من محاضرات، ملفات، مراجع، ملخصات، خطط دراسية، نماذج، حول الكلية.
جهود حثيثة بُذلت من أجل إنجاح هذا المشروع تحت إشراف وتنفيذ المبرمج الصيدلاني/ أحمد جمال سكيك وبمساعدة مُزود بيانات الموقع/ أحمد يونس شاهين ( طلبة الكلية - المستوى الخامس ).
نسأل الله أن يكون هذا العمل خالصًا لوجهه الكريم وأن تعم الفائدة بين جموع الطلبة.
نشكر طاقم الكلية لحسن تعاونهم من عميد وهيئة أكاديمية وإدارية، ونشكر لكم جميعًا دعمكم الصادق.
احفظوها عنا عسى القلوب بها تبصر.
فيديو تعريفي بالموقع.
Oct 27, 2022